BY LAWS 1.01 - 4.04
Approved September 16th, 2013
1.01. Name and Location of Organization. The name of this organization is the Jordan Bramley Library. Its principle office and place of business is located at 15 Mechanic Street, Jordan, New York, 13080.
Section 2.01. Purposes and Organization. The purpose for which the Library has been formed is to promote and encourage the development and maintenance of library services for free public use to the inhabitants of the Jordan - Elbridge Central School District.
Section 3.01. Qualifying as a Member. Any individual of the Jordan - Elbridge Central School District who is over eighteen (18) years of age and has an Onondaga County Public Library card is a member of the Jordan Bramley Library.
Section 3.02. Power of Members. Members are entitled to vote for the Board of Trustees at the annual meeting.
Section 4.01. Power of Board and Qualifications of Trustees. The Library shall be managed by its Board of Trustees. Each Trustee shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age, live in the Jordan - Elbridge Central School District and possess an active Onondaga County Public Library Card.
Section 4.02. Number of Trustees. The number of Trustees constituting the Board membership shall be seven (7).
Section 4.03. Election and Term of Trustees. A Trustee vacancy shall be temporarily filled by a majority / quorum vote of the currently seated members of the Board of Trustees. It shall be the responsibility of the Library Membership to permanently elect any temporary Trustees at the appropriate Annual Meeting. There shall be no term limit restriction on any elected Trustee, except as covered in Sections 4.05, 4.06, and 4.07.
Section 4.04. Meetings of the Board of Trustees. Dates and times of meetings will be determined at the Annual Meeting, and posted in the Library, and local media, on an annual basis.
BY - LAWS 4.05 - 5.03
Approved October 21st, 2013
ARTICLE IV - continued
Section 4.05. Removal of Trustees. A trustee may be removed for just cause, including, but not limited to, Sections 4.06 and 4.07 by a majority vote of a quorum of the members of the Board of Trustees. The secretary of the Board must provide notice in writing to the Trustee of such vote. A vote for Trustee removal may be taken at an annual or regular meeting of the Board called for that purpose.
Section 4.06. Removal for Absence of Meetings. Any Trustee may be removed from the Board if he / she has 3 (three) consecutive unexcused absences from meetings.
Section 4.07. Removal for Misconduct. A Trustee may be removed from the Board if he /she engaged in conduct deemed unsuitable by a quorum of the members of the Board.
Section 5.01. Annual and Regular Meetings. The annual meeting of the Jordan Bramley Library Board will be convened in January, unless otherwise decided, for the purpose of review for acceptance, the annual reports of the Board Treasurer, Secretary and Library Director, election of Trustees and / or Officers, and consideration of any business that may be brought before the Board. Dates and times of the annual and regular meetings will be decided at the Annual Meeting, posted in the Library, as well as other locations, and submitted for publication in local media sources as determined by the members of the Board.
Section 5.02. Special Meeting. A Special Meeting may be called by any Board member who deems it necessary to fulfill the mission of the Library. The Board President must first be contacted. If he / she determines the issue requires immediate attention, each Board member will be notified of the date, time, place and purpose of the Special Meeting. If time allows, public notice will be posted.
Section 5.03. Quorum. A simple majority of the elected Board constitutes a quorum which is required for conducting business at any meting of the Board of Trustees. The President of the Board of Trustees will adjourn and reschedule any meeting in the absence of a quorum. Except as otherwise provided by law or stated in these By - Laws, any business may be transacted at any meeting of the Board at which a quorum is present. Any act of the majority of a quorum at a meeting, Annual, Regular or Special, shall constitute an act of the Board of Trustees.
BY - LAWS 6.01 - 6.04
Approved November 18th, 2013
Section 6.01. Designation of Officers. The Officers shall consist of: President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.
Section 6.02. Election and Term of Office. Officers shall be elected by a majority of the Trustees present and voting at the Annual Meeting.
Section 6.03. Removal of Officers. Any Officer may be removed from office for just cause by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees. The Secretary of the Board must notify each Trustee when a motion to remove an Officer will be presented. A removal vote may be taken at any meeting of the Board. The successor to the removed Officer may be elected at any meeting of the Board of Trustees.
Section 6.04. Powers and Duties of Officers.
(a). President: The President shall serve as Chief Executive Officer of the Library and shall serve as Chair of the Board of Trustees. The President shall preside over meetings and have all the general powers and duties associated with such office. At each meeting of the Board, the President shall provide a copy of the Library meeting agenda for each attendee.
(b). Vice-President: The Vice-President shall assist the President and in the case of absence of the President, shall perform the duties of the President.
(c). Treasurer: The Treasurer shall collect and administer all funds as directed by the Board of Trustees. The Treasurer shall keep full and accurate records of all receipts and disbursements as required by the Board. At each meeting of the Board, the Treasurer shall provide a copy of the current financial report of the Library for each attendee.
(d). Secretary: The Secretary shall record the attendance as well as the proceedings of each meeting, conduct the required correspondence of the Library and fulfill other duties as assigned by the President. The secretary shall archive all reports and pertinent documents presented at Board meetings and have all the general powers and duties associated with such office. At each meeting of the Board, the Secretary shall provide a copy of the current minutes of the Library for each attendee.
BY - LAWS 7.01 - 11.01
Approved September 18th, 2017
Section 7.01. Selection of Director. The Board shall employ qualified Director who shall be the executive and administrative officer under direction and review of the Board.
Section 7.02. Selection of Staff. Within Board-specified parameters, the Director is responsible for all aspects of Staff management.
Section 7.03. Director's Duties. The Director shall be held responsible for maintaining an adequate and proper selection of materials - books, videos, magazines, etc. - in keeping with the stated policy of the Board and shall provide efficient library services to the public. The Director shall be held responsible for the financial operation of the Library within the limitation of the budgeted appropriations. The Director shall be responsible for the day to day maintenance of the facility.
Section 7.04. Attendance at Meetings. The Director shall be required to attend each meeting of the Board, except when excused by the Board.
Section 7.05. Reporting Repairs. The Director shall be responsible for notifying the Board of any significant repairs and / or improvements necessary to ensure proper care and maintenance of Library property. Any repair or improvement involving significant expenditure must be approved by the Board except in an emergency situation where at least 1 (one) officer of the Board must be notified.
Section 8.01 Executive Committee. The executive committee shall be compromised of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 8.02. Committees. The standing committees shall be as follows: (1) investment, (2) policy, and (3) goals and long term planning. Other committees will be established or withdrawn as deemed necessary by the executive committee.
Section 9.01. Amendments to By-Laws. The Board of Trustees may review the By-Laws for revision at any meeting of the Jordan Bramley Library by a 2/3 (two thirds) majority vote of members present.
Section 10.01. Each meeting shall be conducted according to the Roberts Rules of Order, revised.
Article 11.01. Indemnification. The Board of Trustees, the Director, members of the staff and volunteers shall be held indemnified against liability in any action against them while they are engaged in the normal operation of their library duties.
Jordan Bramley Library
15 Mechanic St, Jordan, NY, 13080, USA